First, my microcontroller program works successfully for the first time. I was really very sceptic about using C to program the controller. But thanks to SDCC it was a cake walk. As a rough estimate, SDCC and the allying tools reduced development time by at least 80%. SDCC is an optimising compiler derived from GCC. It comes along with a simulator - S51 and a source leveldebugger - SDCDB. Really good tools, also available for Windows. I had heard that cross compilers bloat up the code a lot. However the code produced by SDCC is certainly better and compact than I could have written in assembly. And, where it beats most of the other tools is that it is free software and doesn't have any restrictions on code size. Thank God for free software ... or should I say ... RMS?
Today was also the day India won against Pakistan. Sachin Tendulkar made short work of plans a, b, c .... (how many letters do we have?) of the Pakistan bowlers. Boundaries were coming at will. Shoab Akhtar was hit out of the attack. A very good match if you are an Indian supporter!
First, my microcontroller program works successfully for the first time. I was really very sceptic about using C to program the controller. But thanks to SDCC it was a cake walk. As a rough estimate, SDCC and the allying tools reduced development time by at least 80%. SDCC is an optimising compiler derived from GCC. It comes along with a simulator - S51 and a source leveldebugger - SDCDB. Really good tools, also available for Windows. I had heard that cross compilers bloat up the code a lot. However the code produced by SDCC is certainly better and compact than I could have written in assembly. And, where it beats most of the other tools is that it is free software and doesn't have any restrictions on code size. Thank God for free software ... or should I say ... RMS?
Today was also the day India won against Pakistan. Sachin Tendulkar made short work of plans a, b, c .... (how many letters do we have?) of the Pakistan bowlers. Boundaries were coming at will. Shoab Akhtar was hit out of the attack. A very good match if you are an Indian supporter!