All right, I promise to be more regular with this now, especially now that I can ;)
There have been quite a few developments lately. One of them is my website. Check out Its not very jazzy though, primarily due to my lack of expertise to make it jazzy. And also because I want to be able to see it through lynx/links.
I've been working a bit on x3270 which is a mainframe terminal emulator client. Planning to deploy and promote it in Infy. Its been a lot a fun and has been irritating at times. GUI programming has alays been irritating for me.
Other than that, I was confirmed as an employee of Infosys pretty recently. Which basically means that I completed one year out here. We had a small private celebration at Rujuta's place where I ate Tandoor chicken from Blue Nile to my heart's content and we watched 'Schiendler's List'. Perhaps not an apt choice for the occasion, but I had never seen it before and I loved it!


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